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Changing the world of cosmetics together

Strong recommendation for solid success.

Whether you want to give your besties a gift, say thank you to your customers or show your followers how to save plastic: Simply Solid is the right place for you. For individuals, influencers and companies.


"Our customer base was very happy about the sustainable gift idea. It was very well received - especially because of the custom packaging that we were able to create due to the size of the order. We would be happy to do it again."


For friends of our friends

Give happiness

Do you want to impress your besties? Then our solids are just right for you. A little bit of happiness here, a little bit of sprinkles there: voila, happy friends and family.

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Climate-friendly and plastic-free

Inspire your customers and employees sustainably

Climate-friendly, plastic-free gifts for your employees and customers are not only sustainable - they also change the world in and around your company for the better. Treat your customer base to your own Solids, for example, or use the Simply Solid gift sets. Individual Solids are also perfect as a happy giveaway. Dry, easy to package and give away. You see: there are fantastic ways to have a positive influence.

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Referral Program

Spread happiness in your community!

Are you an influencer? Do you have a large network? Then the referral program might be just right for you. Feel free to contact us personally and introduce yourself and your content so that we can get to know you better. You should definitely live our values ​​of "happiness", "sustainability" and "uniqueness". We look forward to hearing from you. xoxo